Number of Submissions Limited by Sponsor   



Some sponsors restrict the total number of applications submitted per institution, school, and/or discipline. When the sponsor's program guidelines stipulate a limit, an internal review process may be necessary to determine the applicant(s) or proposal(s) to represent UAB.

Effective Date: 03/26/2014


Review/Revised Date: 08/01/2022


Category: Research


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The University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB or University) follows the selection process described below to determine the applicant(s) or proposal(s) that will represent the University when a funding opportunity announcement (FOA) limits the number of applications from an institution.

If a university investigator wishes to pursue an opportunity with limited submissions, they must notify the Senior Associate Vice President for Research in the UAB Office of Research (OoR) at least 45 days before the submission deadline and provide the funding announcement. The OoR will make efforts to inform other investigators of the opportunity. If more than one investigator is interested, an internal selection process will be arranged. The OoR may ask an academic unit to arrange for an internal selection process or may conduct the selection process itself. The University strives to guarantee that internal selection processes are inclusive, unbiased, and merit-based.

Once an internal selection process is complete, the selected investigator(s) along with the Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) will be notified by the Senior Associate Vice President for Research. The investigator(s) must submit this documentation indicating their selection to OSP with the UAB Extramural Support Checklist and other OSP Required Documents (see OSP Required Documents Tool). The application must be submitted to the OSP in accordance with the University's proposal submission requirements.