UAB Residency Determination and Appeal Process   



These guidelines implement portions of the Board policy on non-resident tuition, certification of residency status, and appeals.

Effective Date: 4/10/2015


Review/Revised Date: 4/10/2015


Category: Academic Affairs


Policy Owner: Provost

Policy Contact: Vice Provost, Enrollment Management


UAB students are governed by the Board of Trustees' Non-Resident Tuition Policy ("Board Rules"), which addresses non-resident tuition, certification of residency status by campus officials, and establishment of campus procedures to administer an appeals process. The following guidelines implement certain provisions of the Board policy.

I.  Implementation Guidelines

The Office of the Registrar, the Graduate School, and the admissions/registration offices of the professional schools, as appropriate, are designated as the offices empowered at UAB to determine and certify "resident" or "non-resident" student status. These offices are responsible for documenting each residency status evaluation and for maintaining the records used to substantiate that evaluation. As provided in Section 202 of the Board Rules, "though certification of an address and intent to remain in the state indefinitely are prerequisites to establishing status as a resident, ultimate determination of that status shall be made by the institution by its evaluation of the presence or absence of connections with the state of Alabama." However, meeting the specific criteria included in the Board Rules may not in all circumstances result in certification as a "resident student." All facts and circumstances surrounding a person's residency determination are considered, and no one fact is determinative.

Also, according to the provisions of the Board Rules, UAB has been given the authority to expand, and has expanded, the definition of "resident student" to encompass all the categories in Sections III. A and III. B of the Board Rules.

Pursuant thereto, UAB expands the definition of a "resident student" to include the following:

A.  One who, at the time of registration, is not a "minor" or "dependent child" and:
  1. Is employed by UAB as a graduate assistant or fellow;
  2. Is, or is the spouse of, a regular, full-time permanent (not temporary) employee within the State or shall commence such employment not more than ninety (90) days after registration; or
  3. Is a member or the spouse of a member in the U. S. military on full-time active duty stationed in Alabama under orders for duties other than attending school.
B.  One who, at the time of registration, is a "minor" or "dependent child,"  and whose "supporting person(s)":
  1. Is employed by UAB as a graduate assistant or fellow;
  2. Is a regular, full-time permanent (not temporary) employee within the State or shall commence such employment not more than ninety (90) days after registration; or
  3. Is a member in the U. S. military on full-time active duty stationed in Alabama under orders for duties other than attending school.
Additionally, as set forth in Board Rule 202, for purposes of admission and tuition and fees, UAB shall consider the term "resident student" to include certain Veterans and Members of the United States Military, as well as their spouses and dependent children.  Please refer to Board Rule 202.IV. for the specific criteria.

II.  Definitions

The relevant definitions for the terms contained in this Policy can be found in Board Rule 202. 

III.  International Students

In general, international students who are a U.S. citizen, permanent resident alien, or a legal alien possessing a Visa that grants him/her indefinite stay in the United States by the Immigration and Naturalization Service will be considered for residency status for tuition purposes in the same manner as are U.S. citizens.
International students living in the United States on a temporary visa, such as a student visa, are not eligible for instate residency consideration.

IV.  Appeal

Initial residency determinations are made at the point of admission to UAB. A student may seek reclassification by submitting an Application for Reclassification, by the posted deadline, on the form provided by the Office of the Registrar.  The appropriate residency officer will make a decision on the reclassification.  Decisions made by the residency officer may be appealed in writing by the student to the University Registrar who may, at his or her discretion, convene a review committee composed of appropriate UAB officials. Students may appeal the Registrar's decision to the Provost, as the president's designee, whose decision will be final.