This policy is under active review for revisions by Faculty Affairs.



Handbook of Operating Procedures 2-2160

Recommendations Regarding Faculty Compensation, Faculty Promotion, Tenure, Renewal of Appointment, or Nonrenewal of Appointment

The University of Texas at Austin

Executive Sponsor: Executive Vice President and Provost
Policy Owner: Senior Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs
October 21, 2014



It is the policy of the University to provide fair and equitable compensation for services rendered by the faculty. Salary advancement, promotion in rank, and the award of tenure are based on excellence in performance. Recommendations for salary advancement, promotion in rank, tenure, renewal of appointment, or non renewal of appointment shall be made on the basis of an annual evaluation of each faculty member in the following areas of service:


  1. Teaching, both undergraduate and graduate. (Recommendations should be accompanied by an evaluation of teaching competence. Student evaluations should be considered.)


  1. Research, creative activities, and other scholarly effort.


  1. Advising, counseling, and other student services.


  1. Administrative and committee service.


  1. Public service to the nation, state and community.


  1. Other evidence of merit or recognition, such as fellowships, grants, honors, and election to office in scholarly or professional organizations.


Responsibility for submitting annual reports and for keeping their personnel files up-to-date with any new material concerning teaching activities, research, scholarship, publications or public service rests with the individual faculty members. The annual evaluation of each faculty member shall include an assessment of these documents.


Responsibility for preparing recommendations for hiring of faculty (including non-tenure-track faculty whenever possible), salary rates, promotion, tenure, renewal of appointment, or non-renewal of appointment rests with the Budget Council (or other departmental governing body) and the department chair. Administrative officers at each level shall give full consideration to recommendations from the level below. In the case where a recommendation is modified or disapproved the action should normally be taken only after consultation with the level below. All recommendations shall be forwarded to the president for final evaluation and decision. The president's decisions with regard to salary advancement, promotion in rank, the award of tenure, and renewal of appointment are subject to confirmation by the Chancellor of The University of Texas System and the Board of Regents. No commitment regarding salary rates, promotion, tenure, or renewal of appointment may be made without the approval of the president and subsequent confirmation by the Chancellor of the University System and the Board of Regents.


The final results of the annual evaluation shall be communicated to each faculty member by the department chair. This communication shall be written and it shall advise the faculty member of any areas that need improvement. (See HOP 2-2150, Annual Review and Periodic Evaluation of Tenured Faculty.)


Recommendations for all changes in academic rank/status (promotion or non renewal of appointment) are normally considered in the fall of each academic year in accordance with a schedule and policies set forth by the president. Faculty in the probationary period shall be considered for promotion no later than the sixth year of probationary service ("up or out" year) as provided in HOP 2-2010 Academic Titles and Tenure. Faculty in the rank of associate professor may be considered for promotion to professor during any year deemed appropriate by the Budget Council and department chair. In addition, a faculty member in the rank of associate professor has the right to be considered for promotion to professor in his or her tenth year of service as an associate professor. To invoke this right of consideration, the associate professor must advise his or her department chair no later than February 1 of his or her ninth year of service of the desire to be considered for promotion to professor. The case shall be considered at all administrative levels, including the president. Should the associate professor not be promoted, he or she may be considered during any year thereafter at the discretion of the Budget Council and department chair or may invoke his or her right to be considered during the end of the subsequent five years of service.


The president will issue annually the institutional guidelines on budget preparation, following receipt of budget instructions from the Chancellor of The University of Texas System and the Board of Regents.


The dean of a college or school, in consultation with the executive vice president and provost, may promulgate and, after review and approval by the president, distribute to the faculty such additional procedural guidelines and information as may be appropriate to the evaluation of faculty for salary advancement, promotion, or the award of tenure in the college or school. Such additional guidelines shall be void to the extent of any conflict with the Regents' Rules and Regulations or the Handbook of Operating Procedures.


Reconsideration of a salary rate, a promotion or tenure decision, or a renewal or non renewal decision made by the president may be requested if it is based on new evidence or on evidence of an infringement of the laws or constitution of this state or the United States. Any member of the faculty so affected may seek redress of grievance through established channels, which are as follows: (1) department chair, (2) college or school dean, (3) executive vice president and provost and (4) president; or through use of the faculty grievance procedure (HOP 2-2310 Faculty Grievance Procedure).


The president may accept, reject, or modify all recommendations forwarded and may make decisions with regard to salary increases, promotion in rank, the award of tenure, renewal of appointment, or non renewal of appointment of a faculty member regardless of whether a recommendation has been received.


Failure to communicate the result of an annual evaluation or to advise a faculty member about needed improvements shall not invalidate or prejudice any decision that may be made regarding the salary, faculty rank, tenure, renewal of appointment, or non renewal of appointment of the faculty member.



Previously HOP 3.17

Reviewed: December 15, 2022
Next scheduled review date: December 2025