Handbook of Operating Procedures 5-2220

Employees in a Trainee Status


Effective December 01, 1992
Executive Sponsor: Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer
Policy Owner: Assoc. Vice President for Human Resources



  1. Policy Statement

The University of Texas at Austin ("University") establishes a temporary job status of "trainee" which shall have unique employment requirements as set forth in this policy.

  1. Reason for Policy

To provide a training status within the job classification system.

  1. Scope & Audience

This policy applies to all classified employees.

  1. Definitions (specific to this policy)


  1. Website (for policy)


  1. Contacts




Human Resource Services

Phone: 512-471-4772




  1. Responsibilities & Procedures

Individuals who do not possess the necessary education, experience, or skill level requirements on the official University job description for a particular job class may be appointed in a "trainee" status. Normally, the beginning salary for an employee who has the temporary status of trainee shall be fixed at no more than four steps below the minimum for the class. With approval of the Associate Vice President for Human Resources and with proper justification, trainees may be appointed at higher salary levels if they bring unique qualities to the job, or if the department is having difficulty in recruiting. The period of appointment in such a status shall not exceed one year. At the end of each six months, the trainee appointed below the minimum for the title shall be advanced two steps. When the minimum for the class is attained, the parenthetical word "trainee" shall be dropped from the title. For trainees appointed at or above the minimum for the title, the trainee designation shall be dropped upon completion of the departmental training program. An increase in salary may be given at that time.


The trainee status may be assigned only to single job titles or to the beginning job designated by a series of job titles. For example, there may be an Accountant I (Trainee) but an Accountant II (Trainee) would be improper. The Trainee status can attach only to the beginning title of a series, i.e., Accountant I in the Accountant series.


Employees hired in Mechanic/Technician positions in the Physical Plant, Utilities and other departments on campus may be placed in the Craft Trade Trainee title. Employees in this title may be hired several steps below the market rate for the particular craft job for which they are training, although their rate of pay may actually exceed the published minimum for the Mechanic/Technician title.


Upon the expiration of the 180 calendar-day probationary period, a Trainee may be terminated only for good cause; reorganization or reduction in staff; or funding source not realized, just as any other non- probationary employee.

  1. Forms & Tools


  1. Frequently Asked Questions


  1. Related Information


  1. History

Last review date: December 1, 1992

(Minor editorial change approved October 18, 2012)
Previously: HOP 9.28